

Peer-reviewed journal articles:

The politics of rearguardism. Historical Materialism, forthcoming.

Political fatalism and the (im)possibility of social transformation. Contemporary Political Theory, 2024, online-first.

Comradely Critique. Political Studies, 71(3), 714–732, 2023.

"Black intellectuals in the age of crack": Organic responsibility, the race-class-gender nexus, and action paralysis in the Boston Review roundtables, 1992-1993. Global Intellectual History, 2022.

Eugene Rivers and the responsibility of intellectuals. Constellations 29(2): 244-258, 2022.

Faith between reason and affect: Thinking with Antonio Gramsci. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, 22(3): 340-357, 2021.


Interdisciplinary Pedagogy in Universities: From Theory to Practice. Routledge. (under contract).

(Edited collection co-edited with Catherine Duxbury and Dave Ashby, to be published in 2024.)

Book chapter:

Antonio Gramsci and the problem of fatalism. In: Mrovlje, M. and Zamalin, A. (eds.) Revolutionary Hope in a Time of Crisis: Political Disillusion, Democracy, and Utopia. Routledge, 2024.


Under pressure: Why casualised university workers are on the picket line (with Marion Lieutaud). The Sociological Review Magazine, August 2023 issue


Domestic colonies: The turn inward to colony, Contemporary Political Theory, 18: 195–198, 2019.