
Public writing

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Denmark’s Political Establishment Is Cozying Up to Israel, Jacobin, 1 June 2023.

Denmark’s Social Democrats Want to Move Even Further to the Right, Jacobin, 7 June 2022.

Why Is the Danish Far Right Vandalizing Left-Wing Artwork? Jacobin, 4 May 2022.

Decolonisation, immigration, Prevent, and the hostile environment, 27-30. In: University and College Union Scotland, (2020). The future of Scottish higher education: An alternative vision for universities, Glasgow: UCU.

When the Pie Shrinks, Jacobin, 20 June 2019.

Philosophy & Football: The Beautiful (3-sided) Game. The Cultural Acupuncturist, The Seeking State.

A new dawn for the Danish radical left?, Red Pepper, 10 September 2018. Translated into Spanish: ¿Un nuevo amanecer para la izquierda radical danesa?, El Salto Diario, 2 October 2018.

Beneath the pavement..., Content Journal, September 2018.